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Writer's pictureAlexis

Why do you Write?

I had never been asked why I write until today. I've been writing music for almost five years now, and today was the first time I'd been asked that question. I wasn't fully prepared on how to answer my friend's inquiry.

I've been asked how do I write and initially, my answer was more or less the same,

"I'm not sure, I just do."

However, as I explored the deeper meaning behind why I continue to write I discovered a more adequate answer. It's interesting that as a person who understands the value of writing as a form of self expression, healing, and understanding, I had no idea why I write until a few hours ago. I've been told, I use it as a way to express emotions I suppress; but after a some analyzing I think I've found the real reason(s) why I write.

The first conclusion I came to was that some people were just meant to be writers. Like when you can't help shivering when you're cold or keeping your stomach from growling when your hungry - writers can't keep their words in their heads. Thus they are turned into poets, authors, musicians and more. Which led me to remember a time when I was in elementary school and my mom had to go to a parent teacher conference to discuss my performance in class. My teacher, Mrs. Richardson, did not tell my mom that I did cartwheels around our class rug or that I accidentally set a plastic plate on fire in the microwave. Instead, she told my mom that I had a "sixth sense" and to not let me lose it. My mom did not know what Mrs. Richardson was talking about and was pretty sure I didn't "see dead people" so, she kept the information to herself; until, the day I shared my first song at an open mic. My mom and I now assume Mrs. Richardson meant my knack for writing was my "sixth sense"

While I can confirm being a writer does not make me a supernatural being, there are certain aspects of creative writing that make it magical for me. There are certain situations that make it physically impossible for me to speak. I'm not entirely sure how it happens but when it does I can't open my mouth, it's like I forgot how, or never could. I've described it to several people and they don't understand what I mean, but it is a very physically real feeling. Writing is a way for me to remind myself I have a voice and to honor that voice's opinions and feelings.

As for the magic of music, I find that music connects the space between words that allows for miscommunication. It is so easy to misinterpret someone's tone, pauses, or diction. It's amazing how I could say the same words to my mom and she would not know what I mean, but if I were to sing them in a song she wouldn't think twice about what my true intention with my words was.

Lastly, I believe that this art form has a way to heighten or lift the weight of your emotions based on who you are and how you feel. There are some emotions that are too deep of a burden to bear; putting them into art and sharing them displaces some of the weight, letting an artist breath again. Other people, like me, struggle to properly validate and feel their emotions. I guess the people who said I use creative writing as self expression were partly right. Writing goes deeper than sharing my emotions with others though. I used to be the type of person who invalidated their feelings and beat themselves upside the head for feeling or thinking a certain way. I used to say that sharing emotions didn't help because they "wouldn't change anything". However, I now know I was wrong. Music writing is how I validate and honor my emotions. While sharing what you're feeling won't change the situation you're in it is important to understand what you're feeling so you can eventually let it go. Through my art form I get to take time to understand myself and others better which has taught me to respect my mind and helped me support everyone in my life.

I hope you enjoyed my reasons for writing. I hope this helped you find a new reason to write, and let me know your motivations for producing content.

Thanks for yielding.

Until next time,


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